Managing Customer Value
Will customers choose to buy from you or from your competitor? Your business’s future prospects rise or fall depending on the answer to this simple question. Most of the time, customers will choose the supplier whose products offer them the best value, i.e. the most useful benefits at the most reasonable prices. For this reason, the supplier that can offer superior customer-perceived value will generally exhibit rising market share, rapid growth, and improving profitability.

“… arguably the most useful marketing study since the formative works of Peter Drucker, Philip Kotler, and Michael Porter.” — Publishers Weekly
Customer Value Management (CVM) involves coordinating products, prices, service, customer relationships, marketing communications, and quality assurance in a strategically coherent and cost-effective way. The aim is to provide a superior package in terms of what the customer really wants. Customer Value, Inc. helps companies focus their resources toward providing value for the customers, setting the foundation for profitability and growth.
Customer Value, Inc. can help you…
… understand how your brand stacks up against the competition in the eyes of customers
… identify how to reposition your product’s performance and price for competitive advantage
… select the management levers best suited to achieve your objectives
… align your organization behind your repositioning effort
This web site can get you started…
… review the key steps that managements take to build customer value
… look over the action levers that are available to any business to reposition its products
… review the tools and techniques available for analyzing customer value
… see Customer Value Analysis success stories in a variety of different industries
… see how you can start up a customer-value initiative in your business.
Please contact us to discuss how Customer Value concepts can be used in your company