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The Launch of Apple’s iPad Mini – a Customer Value Perspective, a case illustrating how to analyze the entry of a new product into an existing market category. Key concepts include measuring the overall performance of a new product relative to alternative products on the market and estimating its market value as a benchmark for price.
Earning Market Share Gains and Price Premiums -- via Customer Value Mapping
a free online webinar sponsored by the Institute for the Study of Business Markets at Penn State. This webinar is intended for businesses that are launching new products that will compete with already-in-market alternatives, have a mission to gain market share or to stem market-share losses or are earning below-par margins.

Customer Value Assessment for Value-Based Pricing, an online, on-demand seminar, demonstrating the latest techniques and tools for customer value analysis (CVA), product positioning, and Market-Value pricing. Presented by Dr. Bradley Gale, it's one in a series of seminars about Pricing On Value produced by Henry Stewart Talks (HST), a London-based eLearning company.

Implementing Strategic B2B Pricing: Constructing Value Benchmarks, published in the Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, January 2012, describes in detail how to measure performance the way your customer sees it, how to assess how your product stacks up to the competition, and how to relate that performance assessment to going rates in the market.

Managing Customer Value: Creating Quality and Service That Customers Can See, by Bradley T. Gale, (New York, The Free Press, May 1994. Kindle Edition - November 2009, Paperback - July 2010). The classic that started the movement toward market-based product appraisal and customer value management.

The PIMS Principles: Linking Strategy to Performance, by Robert D. Buzzell and Bradley T. Gale, (New York, The Free Press, June 1987). The principles derived from this landmark study set the empirical and theoretical groundwork for Customer Value Management.

"Market Share — A Key to Profitability," by Buzzell, Gale, and Sultan, Harvard Business Review, January-February 1975. (Republished in Strategic Management, edited by Richard G. Hamermesh for the Harvard Business Review Executive Book Series, 1983.) Why do we place so much importance on using value to gain market share? This article, one of the first based on the PIMS findings, explains. For reprints, click here.
Customer Value Accounting for Value-Based Pricing, by Bradley T. Gale and Donald J. Swire, Journal of Professional Pricing, Third Quarter, 2006. You can estimate the comparative worth of your products by comparing them to the competition in terms of the customers' costs in using the product (energy and filter costs) and other, non-cost elements of performance (quiet, easy to use, removes dust and smoke). <download>.
How Much is Your Product Really Worth, by Bradley T. Gale. This CVI white paper explains the principles of Customer Value Accounting and monetizes Importance-Performance Analysis, the value analysis technique most used by business practitioners. For a complementary copy — click here.
Value-Based Marketing and Pricing , by Bradley T. Gale and Donald Swire (Customer Value, Inc., November 2006) . This paper has sections on (1) Approaches to Customer Value Measurement, (2) Customer Value Accounting for Market-Value Pricing, and (3) Building a Market-Value Marketing Strategy System — <download>